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Команда форума


Список изменений:
  • Added weather events to all biomes, these will affect temperature levels and player visibility
  • The starting beach area has a new tropical look and feel
  • Progression of gear has been rebalanced removing some items and combining others, crafting costs and protection levels have also been tweaked
  • Titranium Workbench Amber cost reduced (40 -> 20)
  • Titranium Workbench Shaped Titranium cost increased (20 -> 150)
  • Hurtworld now defaults to not allowing network messages from unconnected clients (should reduce vulnerability to DDoS attacks)
  • Added console commands 'setallowunconnected <0/1>' and 'dumpallowunconnected' for setting and checking whether network messages will be accepted from unconnected clients
  • Fixed the hitbox / hit registration issue introduced in (hit registration will be consistant again)
  • Fixed incorrect rarity on mega mine power and chop power fragments (rare -> legendary)
  • Added Jacket and Bomber Jacket as new vanity items
  • Added Machine Wrench to Titranium Workbench recipes
  • Reduced toxin build up rate from Mondinium resource nodes
  • Added line of sight checks to resource nodes so they should no longer despawn in front of a player
  • Fixed incorrect material assignment on Titranium Workbench (wood -> metal)
  • Fixed Heatproof Mining Drill returning Coldproof Mining Drill when disassembled
  • Heatproof Mining Drill can now only be placed in the Red Desert

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