Rust 2582 за 6.03.2025 (Crafting Update)

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Список изменений:
  • Cooking Workbench
  • Chicken Coop
  • Bees
  • Beehives
  • Engineering Workbench
  • Triangle Planters (with Railroad version)
  • 8 new cookable Pies
  • Bread
  • 3 new cosmetic flowers
  • Plant Pot
  • Honey
  • New crop - Wheat
  • New Harvesting Tea
  • New Cooling and Warming Teas
  • Armour Slots + 3 craftable inserts
  • Hopper
  • Food Spoiling
  • New meat models
  • Item Ownership
  • Overhauled many of the explosions in the game.
  • Chicken model improvement and new animations
  • Overhauled Graphics settings
  • Fridge now requires power
  • Horses now gain a speed boost after consuming an apple for 1 minute
  • Horses gain a digestion boost (poop more) after consuming bread for 2 minutes
  • Horses now turn faster, added a tip to explain that holding CTRL allows faster turns
  • Horses now accelerate to max speed faster while holding Shift
  • Can now see plant genetics and beehive nucleus grades on vendor ui
  • Reduced cases where a horse can ragdoll (via horse being airborne or taking damage)
  • Max drone range increased to 600m, increased HP from 100 > 200
  • Railroad planters are now skins of the normal planters, compatible with Spray Can
  • Can no longer toggle Search Lights on and off rapidly
  • The limit flashing option will now disable Strobe Lights
  • Improved server performance when toggling RF Broadcasters and RF Receivers on/off in large bases
  • Improved server and client performance of Auto Turrets, Flame Turrets and Shotgun Traps
  • Improved server performance of all remotely controlled entities (drones, CCTV cameras)
  • Improved server and client performance of all electrical IO entities
  • Improved client performance when holding a wire tool in large bases
  • Improved general physics query performance by ignoring terrain holes faster
  • Improved general physics performance of Triggers (notable with lots of overlapping Auto Turrets) - this will be rolled out in stages over the patch
  • Fixed a performance issue when using a flamethrower around Launch Site
  • Optimised Smoke Grenades and their effect on player fog overlay
  • Massively improved DDraw performance
  • UI Scale slider now applies new scale when the mouse is released
  • Hidden items no longer appear in the F1 menu, can restore old behaviour with ‘Admin.show_hidden_items’ convar
  • Console command history now persists between sessions
  • Added an optional index parameter to ‘consoletoggle‘ to open a specific F1 menu tab
  • New food cache, medieval door and berry bush modding prefabs
  • Removed ‘espcanvas.DisplayDistanceMultiplier’ convar
  • Improved behaviour of parented players on Tugboats as they sink
  • Can now hide the plant genetic display when looking at plants
  • Last selected colour now persists when exiting and re-entering the painting UI
  • Improved time precision of the electric Timer Switch
  • Improved font fallback system, fixes some garbled characters in some languages (Japanese particularly)
  • Dropped Apples won't roll as much when dropped on the ground
  • Reduced altitude of train tunnels, resulting in shorter elevator / staircase / rail distances when transitioning from above ground to below ground
  • Server Profiler Memory Tracking
  • Added a radial option to toggle the display of the Growable UI
  • Copy Paste now saves pastes on the client allowing you to easily copy paste across servers
  • Added command 'killplayerinview': kill the player you're looking at (works in safe zones as well)
  • Added command 'killallplayersradius': kill all players within the given radius
  • 'ent kill' command now ignores gibs
  • Fixed lag caused by new Steam friends integration when player has lots of friends
  • Fixed windmill using the height of the terrain underneath it when calculating power even if deployed on an iceberg or rock
  • Fixed horses levitating after ragdolling
  • Fixed horses ragdolling multiple times from a single impact
  • Fixed Battering Ram taking collision damage from very small collisions
  • Fixed being able to deploy siege weapons under train carriages
  • Fixed an exploit allowing players to bypass Launch Site puzzle with some vehicles
  • Fixed broken shields not being repairable
  • Fixed trains not destroying barriers
  • Fixed a case where shooting at a player after they were ragdolled could result in invalids
  • Fixed mini crossbow iron sight not being perfectly centered
  • Fixed player being stuck moving slowly if they were pulling a siege weapon while the server restarted
  • Fixed items that are banned from a server due to game mode (Primitive) appearing in Rust+ shops
  • Fixed tea effects not expiring if they were active during a server restart
  • Fixed Door Controller and Industrial Conveyor side inputs adding active usage to batteries
  • Fixed Siren Light culling too early
  • Fixed horse Dung culling too early
  • Fixed culled lights occasionally flickering on and off at a distance
  • Fixed Electric Heater lights staying on when unpowered
  • Fixed camera and player spinning when entering/exiting a parenting volume in demos
  • Fixed camera error in third person in demos
  • Fixed edge case error in Rock Paper Scissors if a player cancels at the same time as another player joins
  • ‘Takehiresscreenshot’ command now works if TSSAA is active
  • Fixed incorrect green laser light translation key
  • Fixed horse heads rotating strangely after alt tabbing/limiting frame rate
  • Fixed physics issue with horses attached to siege weapons
  • Fixed viewmodel error when previewing a weapon in the Workshop submit scene
  • Fixed ‘ClearInventory’ and ‘RefillVitals’ commands not working properly when bound to a key
  • Fixed getting messages from users who share Steam groups but are not friends appearing in-game
  • Fixed demo button appearing in the Main menu if the player has no demos locally
  • Fixed teammates getting horse control tips if a team member mounts a horse
  • Fixed RF receiver visually appearing activated when it wasn’t
  • Moved the RF broadcaster reserved frequency error to a localized toast
  • Fixed incorrect description of Set Target option of IO Counter
  • Grenades now show their throw animation when first person spectating
  • Resolved ‘Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh’ and endless recursion AI errors
  • Fixed wolves sometimes appearing as sliding when they come into range
  • Fixed memory leak in RCON and Rust+ server websocket system
  • Fixed ballista sometimes not mountable on uneven terrain
  • Fixed kickall command using the second argument instead of the first for the kick reason
  • Fixed some issues with the Arabic font causing some texts to disappear
  • Fixed bullet impact effects scale
  • Fixed an IO wires parenting issue with garage doors, causing them to point towards the world origin
  • Fixed many item icons appearing pixelated when playing at high resolutions
  • Fixed junkpiles despawning earlier than expected when loot is taken
  • Fixed trains not colliding with barricades
  • Fixed F1 console not showing if a command was clientside or serverside
  • Fixed signs not saving last color when entering paint mode
  • Fixed camper bed map icon not disappearing right away when unclaimed
  • Fixed siege weapons floating at terrain holes
  • Fixed another issue causing inflated vending stats

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