Список изменений:
- Added Primitive game mode
- Added Shields
- Added Catapult
- Added Siege Tower
- Added Ballista
- Added Battering Ram
- Added 4 Shot Mini Crossbow
- Added DLAA option to the graphics menu
- Overhauled horses
- Horses now increase comfort from a fire when in proximity
- Improved the client performance of industrial lights, ceiling lights, search lights and electric heaters
- Improved the client performance of moving vehicles
- Various client optimisation when opening/closing the main menu, inventory and other UI screens
- Players can now pick up any sleeping bag as long they are in TC range
- Can now reskin IO deployables with the spray can without disconnecting it entirely
- Static payphones now have more accurate grid numbers in their phone directory
- Phones can now have names up to 30 characters long
- Added a breaking server rules option to the F7 report window (will not be enforced on Facepunch servers)
- Added squeeze, barrel and current bone parent readouts to the debug cam info readout
- Industrial lights have been merged into a single item, red and green versions are now skins (so they can be changed with the spraycan)
- Added teleportteam2me command, will use the local players team or the provided team id
- Added a toggle to the Admin F1 UGC panel to hide wanted posters
- Can now use multiple commands with a midi bind via the ‘;’ symbol (same as binds)
- Reduced the chance of a player getting killed at the end of a zipline, particularly if the zipline was arriving at an extreme angle
- Fixed wording of vending machine dynamic price multiplier when looking at vending machine on a map
- Added “debug.deleteentitybyid” convar
- Fixed ClearUGCByPlayer convar requiring the player to be online
- Admin ESP features can now be used in first person when spectating
- Can now loop the entire timeline (Demo Editor)
- Allow spaces in shot and folder names (Demo Editor)
- Automatically switch control to the camera when a shot recording starts (Demo Editor)
- Added accessibility.disableMovementInInventory convar to block player input when the inventory screen is open.
- Backpacks and shields can now be used with weapon racks.
- Improved performance in the workshop menu. Both when open and after the window is closed.
- Admin: Added authradius_radius <playerRadius> <entRadius> to authorise everyone within playerRadius of the command user on all entities within entRadius of the player.
- Admin: Added deauthradius_radius <playerRadius> <entRadius> to deauthorise everyone within playerRadius of the command user on all entities within entRadius of the player.
- Admin: Added authradius_multi <radius> <player> <player> <...> to auth multiple players on all entities within radius of the command user.
- Admin: Added deauthradius_multi<radius> <player> <player> <...> to deauth multiple players on all entities within radius of the command user.
- Admin: Added a "Stack" button to F1 menu item icons to give a full stack of item.
- Admin: Added clear_trees_radius to clear all trees in a radius form the player
- Creative mode: Added Creative.bypassHoldToPlaceDuration convar to bypass the hold to place time of deployables such as High External Walls.
- Improved TAA implementation by reducing blurring and artifacting.
- ServerProfiler: added linux binary
- ServerProfiler: reduced capture overhead
- Horses now use anisotropic materials for more realistic hair shading
- Admin :'chat.mutelist' now exposes SteamID's
- Fixed F1 Grenades not saving Specular maps on the Community Workshop.
- Fixed Lumberjack Hoodie not rendering when equipped.
- Fixed item store Prototype Pickaxe being referred as Protoype Hatchet
- Fixed the performance issues impacting Chinese, Japanese and Korean fonts when opening menus or using the chat
- Fixed missing Chinese, Japanese and Korean characters in the UI
- Removed the "GiveItem failed!" error message that appeared when looting an item with a full inventory
- Dropped pumpkins no longer roll indefinitely
- Fixed spraying the factory skin twice would result in a broken texture
- Fixed some packs in the store displaying their store page incorrectly at low UI scale
- Fixed fish traps needing to be reset after a server restart
- Fixed a calculation error when applying dynamic pricing to a vending machine sale
- Fixed holosights looking different based on the accessibility colour selected while in NVG
- Fixed certain AntiHack errors preventing the placement of deployables (e.g. barricades)
- Fixed occasional errors when saving shots (Demo Editor)
- Fixed shot and folder input fields resetting when pressing escape (Demo Editor)
- Fixed Ice Assault Rifle's name and description to be in line with other similar items.
- Fixed an issue with player inventory being locked if kicked when surrendering.
- Items can no longer be swapped into softcore reclaim bags, fixing an exploit.
- Submarines can no longer be stolen when purchased at Fishing Village.
- Submarine fuel can no longer be stolen from a submarine purchased at the Fishing Village.
- The patrol helicopter will no longer shoot at scientists.
- Remove an error logged by wolves that could spam server logs.
- Fixed DLSS Ultra Performance Mode artifacts.
- Fixed formatting issues with importing and exporting normal maps via the workshop.
- Fixed Fishing Villages spawning too close to harbor
- Fixed Cargoship being able to abduct NPC's
- Fixed Road Bradley and Travelling Vendor events not outputting the correct printouts
- Fixed respawning static planter causing hash conflicts on sockets
- Fixed Vending Machine stats panel incorrectly separating combined purchases as single purchases
- Ensured phrases are translated properly on Vending Machine stats panel
- Fixed death and auth commands not working for locks on tool cupboards
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