
Патч Rust 2555>2556

Патч для обновления Rust версии:
  • 2555/15223417(1.08.2024)
до версии 2556/15604443(5.09.2024)

  • Added Digital Clock
  • Added Wallpaper
  • New Colour Blind Accessibility Options
  • Re-enabled underground network layer
  • GCO Weapon attachment
Патч для обновления Rust версии:
  • 2553/15023547(15.07.2024)
до версии 2555/15223417(1.08.2024)

  • Tin Can Alarm
  • Shockbyte Tool Cupboard skin
  • Bikes/Snowmobiles can now be driven onto the cargo containers and moved onto the cargo ship
  • Bikes/Snowmobiles will now be able to go down elevators. This includes monument and player created elevators
  • Travelling vendor speed increase. Adjustable by travellingvendor.max_speed
Патч для обновления Rust версии:
  • 2548/14622975(6.06.2024)
  • 2551/14933890(4.07.2024)
  • 2552/14951643(6.07.2024)
до версии 2553/15023547(15.07.2024)

  • Dynamic NPC Vendor pricing
  • Creative Mode
  • Handcuffs
  • Prisoner Hood
  • Added motorbikes
  • Like
Реакции: Kareo
Патч для обновления Rust версии:
  • 2547/14256012(3.05.2024)
до версии 2548/14622975(6.06.2024)

  • Seismic sensor
  • Wire slack
  • If a codelock is locked, the "last used" button enters the code 250% faster than before
  • Bone fragments are now compostable into fertiliser at a ratio of 4:1
  • Horse armour horse speed reduction reduced by 25% (i.e. the penalty is 75% as much as it was, the horse is faster now)
Патч для обновления Rust версии:
  • 2546/13950655(4.04.2024)
до версии 2547/14256012(3.05.2024)

  • Upgraded to Harmony 2
  • Tier 2 and Tier 3 Workbenches now cost an additional 10%/20% scrap per purchase
  • External Structures now take 1.5 seconds to deploy
  • Moving no longer applies aimcone penalty to the first shot but rather the movement penalty is now blended in over several shots (full auto while moving)
  • Safezone recyclers yield 20% less resources than before and take 8 seconds per cycle
  • Like
Реакции: Feldber
Патч для обновления Rust версии:
  • 2524/13672684(7.03.2024)
до версии 2546/13950655(4.04.2024)

  • Harbor monument reworks
  • Cargo Ship docking
  • Bradley Scientists will now help defend it
  • Patrol Helicopter reworks and improvements
  • IO entities snapping
  • Saturation Tube for Large and Small oilrigs, including new CCTV station.
  • New Seed and Mushroom World Models
  • Ping estimation in server browser
  • Added minigun
  • Added military flame thrower
  • Tool cupboard upkeep timer now in realtime
  • Increased counter max target number from 100 to 999
  • Reversed RAND switch behavior, passes power when on and resets to off
  • Reactive target will now only reset itself after being knocked down. Powering the lower aux input will keep it lowered
  • Updated smart switch guide mesh
  • Vendor UI now closes automatically when map is closed
  • Vendor name is now shown again on hover of single vendors
  • Updated patrol helicopter map tooltip name
  • Improved overgowth foliage at monuments
  • More props and structures react to the snow biome in monuments and will display a snow variant
  • Updated Head Bag World Model to use a Bloody Texture
  • Prevent stashes from networking while underground
  • Fixed being able to build close to Oil Rig/out in deep ocean
  • Fixed cooking objectives not appearing in a specific sequence when playing the tutorial
  • Fixed missing colliders on tutorial island
  • Fixed incorrect information on Tutorial tag tooltip in server browser
  • Fixed tutorial tag appearing incorrectly aligned in loading screen
  • Fixed some tutorial Island text not localizing correctly
  • Fixed tutorial achievements not unlocking correctly
  • Fixed some tutorial popup videos not appearing after the player dies during the tutorial
  • Tutorial island server performance improvements
  • Fixed opening inventory causing large lag spikes after opening large amount of vending machines
  • Fixed attachments being right clicked onto weapon instead of into backpack
  • Fixed clothing being worn instead of right clicked into backpack
  • Fixed items not being right clicked from backpack -> vending machine
  • Fixed full server demo error when running with `-nonetworkthread`
  • Fixed backpack UI being stuck on screen after opening & closing backpack
  • Fixed a particular water pump IO configuration that could degrade server performance
  • Fixed electrical deployables being offset when placed
  • Fixed AND, & OR gates draining batteries on both sides instead of only the side with the highest power input
  • Fixed memory cell draining battery on both sides instead of from the active output
  • Fixed electrical branch draining power when nothing is connected to its branch out side
  • Fixed unpowered components draining batteries, much more common now that branches do not waste power anymore
  • Fixed auxiliary inputs/outputs draining power unnecessarily
  • Fixed memory cell draining battery on both sides instead of from the active output
  • Fixed memory cell power passthrough being shown on both outputs instead of on the active one
  • Fixed counter power passing power through when under their target value
  • Fixed a bunch of naming inconsistencies across IO entity handles (e.g 'Power' instead of 'Power In')
  • Fixed wire tool not clearing active wire when right clicking
  • Reduced the slight delay in showing UI passthrough value when looking at an IO entity
  • Fixed timer time not editable until powered
  • Fixed pressure pads blocking power passthrough for a bit when triggered
  • Fixed industrial combiner deployable on self
  • Fixed button deployable on the side of other components
  • Fixed electrical flasher light and siren light having no emission when on
  • Fixed industrial conveyors aux outputs passing power even when they have 0 energy left
  • Fixed industrial crafter not draining any power (now drains 1 when ON and 0 when OFF)
  • Fixed switch and smart switch green/red lights feedbacks
  • Fixed ceiling lights being powerable using only 1 power instead of 2
  • Fixed storage monitor missing deploy guide
  • Fixed workbench tier 2 oversized spraycan prop collider preventing shooting through open gap
  • Fixed stacking small sign exploit
  • Fixed microphone stand typo
  • Fixed weapon racks being able to be deployed underwater
  • Fixed patrol helicopter not exploding when hitting the water
  • Fixed patrol helicopter getting locked in an orbit around a non existent target
  • Fixed patrol helicopter staying on the map when it's being told to retire
  • Fixed elevator doors in Launch Site getting duplicated every time a server rebooted
  • Disabled Easter Event
  • Like
Реакции: Feldber
Патч для обновления Rust версии:
  • 2519/13334348(1.02.2024)
до версии 2524/13672684(7.03.2024)

  • New Tutorial Island
  • Night Light
  • Item Store skins now show a 3D preview of the item
  • Checking vendor stock is now done in a dedicated window
  • Attack Helicopter driver's seat now has small LED lights indicating rocket and flare readiness
  • Attack Helicopter flares are now limited to one use every 30 seconds
  • Improved colors when assigning a player bag or turret auth to better reflect if they are teammate, friend or player on server
  • Workshop editor now has a toggleable light
  • Loot barrels visual improvement with corresponding decals (fuel, goods, etc.)
  • Added ESPCanvas.DisplayDistanceMultiplier, to modify the distance at which nameplates become visible
  • Improved nameplates client performance
  • Clothing slots now show what clothing will be replaced when equipping something
  • Binoculars now have an included rangefinder
  • Sled no longer requires high quality metal to craft or repair
  • Backpack UI now fades in and out when opening
  • Shader memory footprint reduced by an additional ~30%
  • Fixed hp flickering when spectating players
  • Fixed pipe tool resetting industrial pipe when unequipping & re-equipping the pipe tool
  • Fixed turrets shooting through frontier foundations
  • Fixed weapons very rarely becoming unequippable after looting it from a backpack
  • Fixed case where Auto Turret interference limits weren’t being processed correctly and causing a memory leak on the server
  • Fixed Large Backpack missing from Industrial Conveyor filters
  • Metal detector can no longer be used in safe zones
  • Fixed CNY spear weapon rack alignment
  • Fixed keycards held by other players always appearing green
  • Fixed microphone stand incorrect power usage display in the UI
  • Fixed upkeep resources cost texts being too large
  • Fixed map markers flashing when player is downed
  • Fixed map not opening when downed if using the new toggle map option
  • Fixed roof clipping exploits when seating in sofas and chairs
  • Fixed items being able to be crafted with a broken ingredient (eg stone spears being made with a broken wooden spear)
  • Fixed an NRE caused by vending machine screen fade out
  • Fixed transparent/glass modding cubes not visible
  • Fixed firefly artifacts blowing up bloom on glass modding cubes
  • Fixed player preview being affected by sun/moon directional light
  • Default nudity changed from uncensored to pixelated
Патч для обновления Rust версии:
  • 2516/13091667(4.01.2024)
до версии 2519/13334348(1.02.2024)

  • Added Metal detector item
  • Added Small Backpack
  • Added Large Backpack
  • Added Shovel (Currently not useable, for future implementation)
  • Added white variation of Lunar New Year lantern for more neutral ambient lighting connoisseurs
  • Added option to show death marker on compass (can be disabled in UI settings)
  • Added an indicator to guns on the Belt Bar when burst mode is toggled on and off
  • Added Server.industrialTransferStrictTimeLimits to more accurately control Industrial performance on busier servers
  • Legacy Shelter can now be limited by server owners (default of 1) set by 'server.max_shelters'. Map marker is now displayed if kept at the default
  • Added option to have map button as toggle instead of hold
  • Reduce server side entity counts by selectively spawning Planner entities
  • Add a tooltip on the hostile indicator in the inventory
  • Improved behaviour of doors and gates when hitting vehicles while animating
  • Passing ‘teleport2marker’ a -1 argument will now teleport to the last placed marker
  • Improved client performance when excessive amounts of Laser Lights are deployed
  • Improved client performance when the player is getting shot
  • Improved client performance in the Main Menu
  • Improved server Industrial performance on some complex Conveyor setups
  • Refreshed visuals on loot barrels and some background props
  • Ladder hatches can be repaired without ladders
  • Convar to disable the fade in the death screen 'server.skipDeathScreenFade'
  • Legacy Shelters are now easier to place
  • Doors, hatches and embrasures can now be rotated while being deployed using R
  • Warning popup when logging out in a safe zone
  • Increased all plants ripe stage duration from 4h to 14h
  • Launch site monument static SAM sites will no longer shoot down MLRS rockets
  • Eoka more likely to shoot after every failed strike
  • Reduced memory footprint for textures, shaders and meshes
  • Improved texture quality
  • Weapon Racks can now hold Instruments
  • Updated rocket launcher handling sounds
  • Fixed locker displaying incorrect specular values when using workshop skins. Community Skin-makers can now include their own specular maps when submitting workshop locker skins.
  • Fixed incorrect repair costs for Auto Turrets
  • Fixed team markers being mis-aligned while using Night-Vision Goggles.
  • Fixed player clothing sometimes not updating properly when scrubbing in a demo file
  • Fixed Bar Doors sometimes loading in the incorrect orientation
  • Fixed being able to deploy other entities onto a specific Rustige egg
  • Entities reskinned with the Spraycan will no longer lose their OwnerId for admin purposes
  • Fixed ‘teleport2marker’ command not working when assigned to a key
  • Fixed incorrect behaviour when a Water Pump was connected to a barrel via a Combiner/Splitter
  • Fixed Smart Switch not calculating passthrough properly when Turn On/Off inputs are changed
  • Fixed Chainsaw continuing to consume fuel if a player disconnects while it’s in use
  • Fixed the Skinning Knife not producing player heads when the server has server side ragdolls disabled
  • Possibly fixed an exception some players were receiving when attempting to assign a player to a Wanted Poster
  • Fixed server-side ragdolls flickering briefly invisible when entering and leaving parenting triggers
  • Fixed rare bug where a door can't be picked up until a lock is placed and removed from it
  • Fixed player being incorrectly dismounted from rowboat
  • Fixed animals camping the Legacy Shelter
  • Fixed NRE whilst reloading and swapping weapons
  • Ensured all neon signs now stack to 5
  • Fixed unpowered turrets turning on their attachments
  • Fixed Legacy Shelter grass displacement not working properly on certain terrains
  • Fixed third person speargun being offset when held, and when holstered
  • Fixed missing bottom on the Storage monitor
  • Fixed boneknife & vampire stake disappearing from view when cancelling a throw animation (viewmodel)
  • Fixed locomotives being able to get stuck on railings in the train tunnels on certain seeds
  • Fixed Scientists sometimes dying to Cacti
  • Fixed EAC backend auth issue kicks
  • Fixed M4 shotgun playing the incorrect gunshot sound with a muzzle break attached
  • Cameras / Entities at Oilrigs resulting in error messages or nullref error kicks when a player interacts - We have identified the cause and fixes are currently undergoing testing.
  • Like
Реакции: xavicuba
Патч для обновления Rust версии:
  • 2515/12900668(7.12.2023)
  • 2515/12911032(8.12.2023)
до версии 2516/13091667(4.01.2024)

  • Various behaviour and performance improvements to the new server-side ragdolls
  • Fixed dropped items occasionally falling through Cargo Ship
  • Fixed glitchy corpses when players are killed while in the back of a scrap heli and the corpse falls out
  • Fixed submarines being able to fire torpedos through very thin walls if right up against them
Патч для обновления Rust версии:
  • 2511/12603577(2.11.2023)
  • 2515/12510696(7.12.2023)
до версии 2515/12911032(8.12.2023)

  • Player corpse ragdolls can now collide with all vehicles in the game
  • Added Pinata
  • Added Confetti Cannon
  • Added radiation to Oil Rig
  • Added Legacy Shelter
  • Added M4 Shotgun
  • Added Legacy Furnace
  • Birthday event now runs for over a week (7th of December to 16th of December inclusive)
  • Birthday Hat now randomises between 8 colours
  • Fixed splashing water from held entities would hit planters through solid construction, particularly the floor above
  • Added DDraw.hideDDrawDuringDemo, hides any DDraw from appearing while playing demos
  • Node hotspots can now be hit while standing further away, should no longer have to climb onto the node and crouch
  • Moved the Industrial Adaptor slot on the top of the Tool Cupboard closer to the centre to make pipe placement easier when TC is flush against a wall
  • Added search bar for keybinds
  • Changed model of heli crate from military to elite crate
  • Added "deployable" filter category to industrial conveyor
  • Changed HBHF from radial menu to user-friendly dialog
  • Optimized team update server performance for high player count servers
  • Added convars to configure player state cache (player_state_cache_count, player_state_cache_size, player_state_cache_evictions)
  • Don't show compass when the map is open
  • Show server's version in F8 menu
  • Show drone's id when selected in your inventory
  • Increased stacksize of HBHF from 1->5
  • Increased despawn from 5->20min (basic tea)
  • Increased despawn from 5->40min (roadsign gloves, tact gloves, advanced tea)
  • Increased despawn from 5->60min (diesel, spas12, pure tea)
  • Contact shadows respecting shadow intensity (foliage) and no longer overly dark; tweaked settings
  • Terrain base pyramid texture block compression to save ~80MB of VRAM and reduce bandwith
  • Made an experimental setting for GC Buffer
  • Made car lifts able to be picked up
  • Bandages now revive downed players in the same way a syringe does
  • Fixed player corpses sometimes stretching unnaturally
  • Fixed player corpse interaction not always lining up perfectly with the visual corpse
  • Can no longer loot floating corpses from inside a submarine
  • Fixed some issues when reloading Snowball Guns while a snowball is wrapped in a gift
  • Fixed being able to swap weapon to skip the Chainsaw reload, the animation now needs to mostly play before the reload is applied
  • Fixed Vampire Stake worldmodels missing a highlight
  • Fixed two MGL’s dropping on one of the Advent Calendar days
  • Fixed Computer Stations and Auto Turrets requiring components to repair and displaying as 0/0 in UI
  • Fixed PTZ cameras repairing themselves when picked up
  • Fixed Electrical Switches not calculating passthrough correctly
  • Fixed mounted Trophies not respecting streamer mode
  • Fixed player attire in inventory not appearing after assigning a player to a Wanted Poster
  • Fixed multiple popups appearing on top of the Health Bar when using Teas
  • Fixed Head Bags getting a power icon after being placed in a Horse storage
  • Fixed Fish Trophies sometimes appearing mid animation
  • Fixed button to hide team leader's map markers not working
  • Fixed exploit to float concrete barricade above wall with a floor
  • Fixed inability to enter main code after authing as guest
  • Fixed desync in center of the map on certain servers due to industrial
  • Fixed binds repeating
  • Fixed modded servers not working with tags in cached browser
  • Fixed exploit to connect two TCs together with a wall
  • Fixed dropped item container showing the name "james" in streamer mode
  • Fixed "ent setgrade" not working with grades (brick, adobe, etc)
  • Fixed sprinkler wasting water when not watering 1,3 or 5 planters
  • Fixed server not saving ownerid immediately after adding / removing it
  • Prevent setting max fps below 20
  • Prevent storing rockets in turret
  • Fixed waterguns not correctly applying the last burst of water
  • Junkpiles will no longer spawn under boats
  • Horses will no longer hover if they're standing on a junkpile when it despawns
  • Fixed sunlight scattering in clouds looking square and not matching actual sun direction
  • Made large furnaces, oil refineries and water catchers unable to be shot through
  • When inside a tugboat with privilege: 'Building Privilege' will now be displayed
  • Like
Реакции: sermussRust