Valheim 0.218.15


Список изменений:
  • New Biome – Ashlands
  • 30+ New weapons
  • Fixed Major Healing Mead material
  • Fixed Minor Eitr Mead Material
  • Standardised texts throughout the game
  • New bombs and ammunitions
  • 3 New armour sets
  • 2 New capes
  • Updated names for old Flametal items
  • The popup for unlocking new things is displayed longer
  • Disabled ESRAM usage on Xbox One to work around a Unity bug that caused some particle systems to have corrupt shadowmaps
  • Added console command findtp to go to nearest found item
  • Added console command setfuel to fill all nearby lights to specified fuel
  • Map is now closed after using debugmode teleport
  • There is now a toggle in Gamplay Settings for “Attack towards look direction”, if this is toggled off, attacks will instead be made in the direction the camera is facing
  • Modding: IMonoUpdater no longer requires to be inherited from and error messages removed
  • 10+ New creatures
  • 70+ New buildable items
  • 5 New crafting station upgrades
  • 30+ New crafting materials
  • 15+ New food items and potions
  • New locations
  • New music
  • New events
  • New mechanics
  • Fixed Mead materials
  • Standardised texts throughout the game
  • Various fixes and improvements

Скачать Valheim 0.218.15:

  • Патча для данного обновления нет, т.к размер патча равен размеру установочного файла.