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Игра Rust
2583 (13.03.2025)
Disabled the post processing trigger on the explosive ammo (screenshake)
Fix master swarms (bees) not killing themselves after a period of time without a target
Fixed harvesting tea not applying to every resource when harvesting
Harvesting tea now applies when gutting fish
Fix long standing bug with mixing table UI sometimes not enabling the mix button for valid recipes on first use.
Cooking Workbench
Chicken Coop
Engineering Workbench
Added Primitive game mode
Added Shields
Added Catapult
Added Siege Tower
Added Ballista
Добавлены предметы в честь Китайского нового года.
Мелкие фиксы.
Отключен новогодний ивент.
Включен новогодний ивент.
Modular Car Radios
Added 24x7 Bandit Town and Fishing Village radio stations
Added server.homingMissileTargetsHab convar to enable Homing Missiles to target Hot Air Balloons (off by default)
Added new IoEntity.infiniteIoPower convar to power everything on a server
Can now pick up and shred player purchasable helicopters in the Junkyard
T1 Handmade SMG
Gesture Pack
Added Gesture Wheel customisation
Replaced old cliffs and rocks in monuments with the new ones
Включен хэллоуинский ивент
Added hand-held Diver Propulsion Vehicle (DPV)
New NPC’s, Planters and Food Caches at Water Wells
Refreshed Divesites with new art and buoys
Legacy Woodpiles
Radioactive Water