Список изменений:
- Added new tethering system and tether bow item for tying players and vehicles together with rope
- Added several new vanity items (these items have no gameplay stats and are visual only)
- Added new 'Rebel' gear set replacing several items from the heat protection progression
- The combat helmet has been converted into a vanity item
- Added fake sleeper traps, these will explode when destroyed
- Added fake airdrop trap, these will call in an airdrop when placed, the cargo crate from this airdrop will explode when interacted with
- Landcrab mines, medusa vines and poison traps are returning from legacy
- Poison trap overhauled so it no longer destroys itself when triggered, instead it will need to be disassembled with a machine wrench
- Crosshair hit markers are now activated by the server rather than being client predicted (seeing a non-blue hit marker should now always be a reliable hit)
- Succulent plants and sunscreen are returning from legacy
- Inactive item transitions now also have a progress bar so falloff progress can be tracked
- Added irradiated owrong seeds as a new item transition from owrong seeds
- Plugged up several rock cave base locations in Nullius
- Fixed regressions in balance changes (Mozzy insurance cost and pistol rate of fire are now fixed again)
- Fixed machines not being irradiated properly
- Fixed TimedEffectZones trying to affect destroyed entities
- Fixed a potential null reference exception in MapComponentMarker
- Fixed Mozzys not consuming fuel properly
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