Список изменений:
- Added Team System
- Added Compass
- Added Hapis old rock cave prefab for modders working to restore old procgen maps
- Added Watchtowe
- Added Jackhammer
- Faster Ambient Occlusion effect
- New visuals for puzzle elements
- Small wooden sign can be placed on shelves
- Can place storage boxes under research table
- Updated Stone world model
- Disabled forceSingleInstance (multiple servers on one box)
- Small refinery can no longer be fully submerge underwater
- Improved water foam
- Fixed exploit which allowed passing loot through walls using research table
- Fixed exploit which allowed passing loot through walls using BBQ
- Fixed guntrap, spinner, tunalight being destroyed after upgrading / rotating wall
- Fixed a method which allowed players to use vending machine as door (kinda)
- Fixed tunnel brightness exploit
- Fixed workshop skin normal maps
- Fixed some small server memory leaks
- Downloadable Skin lighting