Rust 2519 за 1.02.2024

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Список изменений:
  • Added Metal detector item
  • Added Small Backpack
  • Added Large Backpack
  • Added Shovel (Currently not useable, for future implementation)
  • Added white variation of Lunar New Year lantern for more neutral ambient lighting connoisseurs

Valheim 0.217.38

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Список изменений:
  • Fixed blurry item counters in inventory
  • Fixed issue where player profile link in Player List would open multiple times
  • Fixed problem where text "None" was hard coded in the build HUD to instead use localized string
  • Enabled auto-size on BuildHUD amount text objects as they need to be sized down for some translations to fit
  • Alleviated issue with music stuttering when playing with low FPS

Подключение к серверам Alkad


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I have designed 5 new graphics for the fairings of the Kanga this week. They are all pretty varied and should be fun to customise. It is difficult to come up with different ideas that look significantly different and also look good on the bike at the same time. I designed 8-10 variations and they were all reasonable ideas, some just didn’t lend well to being placed on a bike. Only these 5 made the final cut. They are only skinned on the ‘Crow’ body kit currently.

I’ll proceed to enhance these a little more next week and get them onto the other body kits. After that the Kanga is ready to be passed to Tom to finish off his end of things on it too. This has come out nicely and after testing the actual ride that Tom has put together so well, this thing is going to be a favourite I think...


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This week my SDK work has extended into reworking the biome, weather and skybox system (it’s really sort of one system, so the reworking encompasses all of it). I also kept fiddling with and making some biomes. Check out this WIP mountainous biome!

This refactor will enable users to specify custom biomes, weather systems and biome-influenced client effects in the SDK, something that was previously impossible.

The first thing that needed doing was rethinking the usability of the biome tools we have in place. While the ShigiTools biome tool was usable, it wasn’t super user friendly. While that will still be an option, we now have a MapMagic output that will work as well, and a biome painting tool in the editor...

Dev-блог 125

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Ладно, больше никаких дразнилок: глобальное улучшение графики уже в игре. Биндите клавишу скриншота и вперёд, к обновлённым локациям игры. К слову, помимо этого, мы также обновили военные тоннели, карту Savas, добавили незаконченную версию маяка, обновили костяную броню и, надеемся, устранили гамма-эксплойт.

Это обновление волей-неволей вайпает карты всех серверов.

Глобальное обновление графики

Теперь эта штурмовая винтовка в игре! Сразу к деталям, это оружие не может быть изучено и скрафчено, а шанс его дропа в луте не очень высок. Запас магазина равен 30 патронам. Для облегчения процесса стрельбы, я значительно ослабил его горизонтальную отдачу, однако, в качестве компенсации, я увеличил разброс и уменьшил урон, который теперь составляет 80% от АК. Тем не менее, на тестах средней дистанции, это оружие показало больший ДПС за счёт того, что отдача более предсказуема.
В какой-то мере, это оружие является "подопытным"...