Патч для обновления Rust версии:
  • 2509/12510696(23.10.2023)
до версии 2511/12603577(2.11.2023)

  • Train signals in the underground train tunnels are now functional
  • Above and below rail linking
  • Wire tool Reconnect
  • New Item Fish Trophy - Frontier Base Decor Pack DLC
  • New Item Hunting Trophy - Frontier Base Decor Pack DLC
  • New item Wooden Frontier Bar Doors - Frontier Base Decor Pack DLC
  • New item Wanted Poster - Frontier Base Decor Pack DLC
  • New item Torch Holder - Frontier Base Decor Pack DLC
  • New item Rocking Chair - Frontier Base Decor Pack DLC
  • New item Frontier Planters - Frontier Base Decor Pack DLC
  • New item Single Item Weapon Racks - Frontier Base Decor Pack DLC
  • New item Storage Barrels - Frontier Base Decor Pack DLC
  • Planters can now be picked up with a hammer
  • Graphics quality slider has been replaced with a dropdown
  • Dropped items no longer fall through vehicles
  • Can refill jackhammer in repair bench
  • Added ability to autoskin items by holding shift while right clicking into repair bench
  • Increased slots per horse saddlebag from 6->12
  • Horse storage loot panel seperated from horse equipment & stats
  • Added IO port to spooky speaker
  • When using laser attachment with scope, the laser is now always centred
  • Hover looting now uses the state of the Alt hover key at the time the hover occurred, instead of the later time that the transfer occurs
  • Improved team invites often not sending
  • Improved turret server side performance
  • Added 'client.showsashes true/false' client command to hide sashes - admin only
  • Added 'player.sethealth number playername/id' 'player.setfood number playername/id' 'player.setwater number playername/id' commands - admin only
  • 'refillvitals' now removes radiation - admin only
  • Updated skin bundles
  • Added retry logic for setting up Rust+ on server, if rust+ failed, we'll retry to connect
  • Fixed Acoustic Guitar skins not appearing in 3rd person
  • Fixed helicopters no longer taking damage when colliding with Cargo Ship or Excavator
  • Fixed ammo count not showing in weapons outside hotbar
  • Fixed fish trap allowing any item
  • Fixed Vehicles taking no damage when hitting certain surfaces
  • Fixed exploit to loot sleepers & corpses in safezone
  • Fixed codelock RPC not working when on the opposide side of a double door
  • Fixed team invite not working consistantly
  • Fixed crafted amount resetting each time you click "craft"
  • Fixed shotgun trap shooting authed players after the TC was destroyed in large multi TC bases
  • Fixed single armoured doors open delay
  • Fixed single wooden door opening delay
  • Fixed m249 glove clipping issues
  • Fixed electrical switch on and off inputs not affecting the switch as expected and requiring rewiring after use
  • Fixed laser and torch attachments not activating properly after a server reload if the turret was powered during the save
  • Fixed Electrical Branch missing lights at night
  • Fixed Root Combiner missing lights at night
  • Fixed craft amount resets to "1" each time you craft
  • Fixed lighting torch underwater
  • Fixed poor performance when using cached browser
  • Fixed Brick Skin Roof not casting any shadows
  • Fixed "Brutalist Triangle Roof pixel gap"
  • Halloween event disabled
  • Global rendering disabled
  • Like
Реакции: SalitaryALEXGE
Патч для обновления Rust версии:
  • 2508/12363998(6.10.2023)
до версии 2509/12510696(23.10.2023)

  • Включен хэллоуинский ивент
  • Like
Реакции: apasov_nikolau
Патч для обновления Rust версии:
  • 2506/12130973(7.09.2023)
до версии 2508/12363998(6.10.2023)

  • Brutalist building skin
  • Cached server browser
  • Global Networked Bases
  • Slightly increased mp5 damage
  • Increased mp5 accuracy while bursting
  • Thompson has increased center-hit probability
  • Custom smg has increased center-hit probability
  • Tool Cupboard now shows upkeep costs and tool slots on the same page
  • Tool Cupboard now has an extra tool slot
  • Added debug.repeatcommand convar, repeats the last command entered into the console
  • The debug console history will no longer add duplicate consecutive entries
  • Can now toggle vending machines on and off in the map
  • Vehicle dismount hold time option has now been modified to allow individual dismount hold times for Ground, Aquatic and Air Vehicles as well as Horses
  • Getting killed via a homing missile while in a helicopter will now list the missile and player responsible on the death screen instead of just the helicopter
  • The parachute now checks that there is vehicle free space above it when deploying, prevents parachutes deploying and clipping into helicopters causing erratic behaviour
  • The Minicopter and Scrap helicopter have had some new sounds added to bring them in line with the newer vehicles, including unique explosion sounds
  • Expanded workbench source area, able to stand slightly further away and craft
  • Reduced water pump preventbuilding volume
  • Small battery output, capacity
  • Water catchers now fill much faster when raining, even faster in stormy weather
  • Bad weather probability increased, higher chance of rain, storms and fog
  • Increased quarry no build radius
  • More loot in launch site main building of launch site
  • Moved light switches of LS main building to second set of entrance doors, players will now always pass one
  • Homing missile crafting cost reduced
  • Homing missiles now stack to 4
  • Fixed custom underwear not being applied when first joining a server
  • Fixed parachute killing players when landing on a flat-ish surface
  • Fixed players being able to use the parachute to skip a section of Launch Site using a small jump (forward momentum now takes 1s to kick in)
  • Parachute gibs no longer show the wind effect
  • Parachute pickup time can now be set on the server (server.parachuteRepackTime)
  • Fixed tooltips not getting properly clamped on screen
  • Fixed Filter Fail output on Industrial Conveyor not working if the Conveyor was set to Require All
  • Fixed issue where a gun inserted into the Attack Helicopter would incorrectly get attached to the player in the gunner seat
  • Fixed map marker legend getting pushed off screen if too many markers were placed
  • Fixed first person hands snapping into place when deploying the parachute
  • Fixed players being able to negate fall damage with incendiary ammo
  • Fixed Minicopter push command not applying correct forces
  • Fixed Industrial Conveyor not calculating filters properly when connected to a Locker after the parachute changes
  • Fixed jumping with a parachute equipped on the RHIB cousin the parachute to deploy and immediately crash
  • Fixed parachutes playing wood breaking noises when destroyed
  • Fixed quarries incorrectly animating when first entering network range
  • Fixed player hair no longer having a visible seam/shadow on the forehead.
  • Fixed not being able to access the vending machine admin panel if the vending machine was too far above the player
  • Fix for bows offsetting view slightly when deployed
  • Fixed not being able to wire IO connections when standing on a bed, sleeping bag or car lift
  • Fixed a case where the torch could be lit underwater
  • Fixed wood and armoured single doors preventing interaction through the doorway for a second after opening
  • Fixed recurring LS tower skip
Патч для обновления Rust версии:
  • 2405/11852430(3.08.2023)
до версии 2506/12130973(7.09.2023)

  • Added Parachutes
  • Added Attack Helicopter
  • Added Hot Air Balloon armor upgrade
  • Added Homing Missile Launcher
  • Added Global Networked Bases
  • Improved jumping behaviour when attempting to climb onto solid objects in the ocean
  • HAB’s will now eventually decay over time if they get stuck on a solid object and are no longer moving
  • HAB’s will now get a slight physics push occasionally when they are stuck on an object to try and dislodge them
  • A blueprint will now display if it’s learned or if it is a default blueprint when selected in the inventory
  • Sleeping bags will now render underneath team markers on the map while alive
  • Airdrops will now become lootable if they land on a tugboat
  • Improved first person spectating behaviour when a player is piloting a vehicle
  • Boats abandoned for more than two hours (secondsUntilShoreDrift convar) now slowly drift towards the shore
  • Improved the F-15E end of wipe flyby by adding a new 3D skybox model
  • Hot Air Balloon cheaper to repair
  • Hot Air Balloon uses slightly less fuel
  • Smokestack VFX improvements
  • Updated quarry model
  • Updated pumpjack
  • Improved snow when using low shader levels
  • Fluid switch now stacks in the player's inventory
  • Fluid pump now stacks in the player's inventory
  • Fixed being able to break Patrol Helicopter’s attack behaviour by diving into deep water
  • Patrol Helicopter will now fly higher above the water
  • Fixed chinook ground particle effects not rendering on the terrain surface
  • Fixed being able to deploy elevators on a floor foundation from underneath the floor
  • Fixed Twitch Rivals trophy name list not rendering properly
  • Elevator item now lists correct power consumption when inspecting the item
  • Fixed spinner wheel not rotating properly when mounted on a tugboat
  • Fixed campfire visual not rendering properly when placed on a tugboat
  • Fixed jackhammer not playing attack animation in 3rd person
  • Fixed Rust PVE mode (convar) not allowing players to shoot NPCs
  • Fixed a null volume which may have caused audio to crash when mounting a boat
  • Fixed Industrial light missing texture on cargo ship
  • Fixed Code lock world model missing back face
  • Fixed Brick 2x2 Roof tips clipping through eachother
  • Fixed RHIB using incorrect LODs
  • Fixed Missile Silo computer station killing the player when mounted
  • Fixed water disappearing when exiting the sewer branch monument
  • Fixed building tier disappearing from radial menu when valid building skin is set
  • Fixed naked player censorship when inside smoke grenade smoke
  • Fixed Server side demos being unable to be played back
  • Fixed furnace skins not getting their correct emission colours
  • Like
Реакции: nekt
Патч для обновления Rust версии:
  • 2398/11640748(6.07.2023)
до версии 2405/11852430(3.08.2023)

  • Added new wounded information
  • Added Chat Emoji
  • Added brick building skin
  • Added procedural generation customization (world.configstring / world.configfile)
  • Buffed the burst module weapon attachment
  • C4 and satchel charges can now be placed on all vehicles again
  • Less network data required for objects sitting on other moving objects
  • Scaling free CUI layer now scales by resolution but still ignores the user’s UI scale setting
  • Ping sfx are now affected by the Game Sounds UI slider
  • Added a new model for the Laser Detector
  • Added ammo world model variations to correlate with stack size
  • Fixed a missing collider on the above-ground Work Cart
  • Fixed not being able to swim through the door of tugboats that were sunk underwater at a steep angle
  • Fixed players being pulled down with sinking tugboats
  • Fixed Industrial Conveyor not respecting Maximum amount when transferring multiple Hazmat’s with different skins
  • Fixed Industrial Conveyor failing to move an item if a broken version of that item is in the output container
  • Upgrading the grade of a building block should be much less likely to destroy industrial pipes deployed along it
  • Fixed ceiling blocks incorrectly destroying industrial pipes around them
  • Gutting a fish now displays the correct item count popups above the vitals UI
  • Fixed an extra viewmodel sometimes appearing when entering a safe zone
  • Fixed “cinematic_list” command not working
  • Can no longer place Towels underneath Foundations
  • Fixed Slot Machines not having a shadow proxy box in the deposit slot
  • Fixed SAR missing internal face on both viewmodel and world model - improved shading on world model LODs
  • Fixed gaps in the RHIB
  • Fixed RF Transmitter not having aerial extended in world model
  • Fixed clipping and motion blur issues with the access cards
  • Fixed position of the 16x scope on Homemade LMG so it doesn't clip into the face in 3rd person
  • Fixed wrong gib rotation for the small storage box
  • Fixed missing bottom faces on all LODs for the gears world models
  • Fixed gaps in the WoodCrate model
  • Fixed startup issues on macOS Sonoma
  • Improved Steam auth NetworkIdentityFailure logging
  • Fixed several issues with server side demo recording
  • Fixed demo playback exceptions always stopping demo playback entirely
  • Fixed a crate blocking players on the small oilrig docks
  • Fixed collision accuracy at back of excavator, filled the room there to block LOS
  • Fixed several locations in monuments where dropped items would clip under
  • Fixed broken concrete rubble pile in the lighthouse
  • Fixed holes in the lighthouse exterior
  • Fixed getting stuck on pipes in arctic base
  • Fixed position and sizes of the supermarket ceiling lights
  • Fixed ceiling in one of the portacabins would disappear on low graphical settings
  • Fixed several collision mesh issues for powerlines
  • Fixed Abyss Torch being lit when dropped
  • Fixed an invisible collider near the smoke stack on small oil rig
  • Fixed a bug where some monument lights were glowing even when they were turned off
Патч для обновления Rust версии:
  • 2392/11368731(1.06.2023)
до версии 2398/11640748(6.07.2023)

  • New water system
  • New Ferry Terminal monument
  • New driveable tugboat
  • Driver now visually holds and turns the wheel on the RHIB
  • Added turn on/off animations for torches
  • Shipping container skin meshes now batched
  • Caves lighting has been refreshed/fixed in areas where lights were too bright/too dark
  • Fixed voicemail failing to initialise properly when a cassette is inserted into a Telephone
  • Fixed some console warnings when listening to voicemails
  • Boom boxes that fail to connect to a streaming URL will now be able to reconnect to another URL if they are turned off/on
  • Fixed pools receiving too much water from sprinklers leading to excess water
  • Fixed Industrial Conveyor screen not showing moving items if those items were being stacked onto an existing item
  • Improved server performance with some problematic Industrial configurations
  • Fixed NVG screen effect scaling with UI scale, should now be consistent regardless of resolution or UI scale
  • Fixed torch/rocks skins not properly being applied on a fresh spawn
  • Fixed foot IK being applied incorrectly after being forcibly dismounted from a vehicle (eg. crashing a minicopter)
  • Fixed incorrect tooltip rendering
  • Fixed able to splash damage inside walls of shipping container walls with rockets from outside
  • Updated available radio stations
  • Fixed boat wake effects being framerate-dependent
Патч для обновления Rust версии:
  • 2388/11149502(4.05.2023)
до версии 2392/11368731(1.06.2023)

  • Can no longer have more than 15 respawn options
  • Can connect to servers via Steam query port as well as game port
  • Respawn options are now visible on the map during gameplay
  • Can copy+paste filter configs on the conveyor screen by holding shift
  • Industrial tool now shows the name of the item attached to a storage adaptor when hovering over industrial connections
  • RF Transmitter can now change frequency via inventory (like pager)
  • RF Transmitter can now change frequency while in another player’s TC radius
  • Can now ping as soon as binoculars are equipped, no need to zoom
  • Pings now have unique sound effects
  • Pings placed outside of your field of view will now flash the compass
  • Added a crosshair to the binoculars
  • Pings now fade out when they time out
  • Pings can be deleted regardless of equipped item
  • Increased size of pings
  • Added a list of current local and team markers to the top left of the map
  • Markers will now show 4 characters from the label on the compass
  • Improved visibility of map markers on snowy areas
  • Raised attachment point of storage adaptor on vending machines for easier placement around windows
  • Horses now have several new idle animations
  • Building skins can now changed by pressing Q and E in the hammer radial menu
  • Internal memory pool improvements for better thread safety performance
  • Modders can now update CUI without destroying & recreating
  • 'infiniteammo' convar
  • 'repair_inventory' command
  • 'skin_radius' and 'upgrade_radius' commands
  • Resolution of signs doubled
  • Debris added to shopfront & vending machine
  • Improved shader graphics of black telephone wires around the map
  • Fixed tooltips briefly flickering out of position in some UI
  • Fixed missing cowbell 3rd person mallet
  • Fixed old map markers staying on the map after changing server
  • Fixed RF pager no longer able to be set to Silent
  • Fixed items with redirect skins sometimes not being counted by Industrial Conveyor filters
  • Fixed steam://connect links not working
  • Fixed floaty pylon placement edge cases
  • Fixed building blocks getting fully repaired when changing their skin
  • Fixed sunlight leaks inside the Nuclear Missile Silo on some map seeds
  • Fixed loot getting stuck under the big missile in the Nuclear Missile Silo
  • Vending machines no longer give out stacks greater than max stacksize after restart
  • Steam nicknames fixed
  • Disabled legacy server analytics
  • Like
Реакции: Her0s1Mich
Патч для обновления Rust версии:
  • 2380/10948212(6.04.2023)
до версии 2388/11149502(4.05.2023)

  • Adobe building skin
  • New monument: Missile silo
  • New event: Wipe day
  • Flashbangs now work against Scientists
  • Added "UnderNonScaled" and "OverlayNonScaled" panels to community UI, content in these panels won't get scaled by screen resolution
  • Added RF transmitter viewmodel admire animation
  • Added recycler animation
  • Improved internal error logging via sentry.io
  • Only show steam nicknames when in team or player is friendly on the contact system
  • Added menu option to toggle steam nicknames
  • Added 'server_allow_steam_nicknames' replicated convar to allow modded servers to disable steam nicknames
  • Add menu option to use radial menu in toggle mode (trackpads)
  • Increased egg suit durability 25 -> 80
  • Phrases - removed a number of derogatory strings
  • Fixed decal.clear console command not working on glass decals
  • Fixed two vehicle lifts placed right next to each other sometimes causing unusual vehicle issues
  • Fixed errors caused by cassette player recordings that were less than 200ms long
  • Cassette player recordings now record right from the exact start time (previously the first 200ms was skipped)
  • Fix high pop servers spawning loot slower as servers are up for longer
  • Fix being kicked from server when dragging water out of container
  • Fix right-clicking pumpkins from inventory putting them on your head (you must drag them)
  • Fix lag when opening sleeping bag "give friend" UI
  • Fixed stashes disappearing on deployment
  • Fixed Cargoship front clipping exploit
  • Fixed elevator clipping into the world layer
  • Fixed a number of keycard puzzle bypasses
  • Fixed map not able to be opened while spectating
  • Fixed missing team leader map markers on death
  • Restricted ability to disable workshop skins to developers
  • Removed green military crates from power lines
Патч для обновления Rust версии:
  • 2377/10669774(2.03.2023)
до версии 2380/10948212(6.04.2023)

  • Map marker enhancements
  • Surveillance pings
  • Industrial Conveyors will now attempt to fill existing stacks in a container before making a new stack
  • Demo shot UI system is now enabled by default
  • Added safe mode configs
  • Computer monitor UI now shows a health bar for the entity you're controlling
  • Added ability to move to next/prev entry on computer UI with arrow keys or mouse wheel
  • If you have vehicleDismountHoldTime set above zero, it's now used for dismounting the computer station if you're piloting a drone
  • Hold the alt-look key (left Alt by default) when right-clicking or hover-looting from a loot container in order to wear clothing items if the required clothing slot isn't already taken
  • Hold the alt-look key (left Alt by default) when right-clicking or hover-looting from inventory to treat the action as if there's no loot panel open
  • For destroyed entities: If the drop container is the floating type, use it even when there is only one item to drop, instead of dropping just the item on its own. Applies to submarine and boat storage.
  • Added translated monument name to "monuments" admin console command
  • Updated to Unity 2021.3.21f1
  • Enabled multithreaded networking by default for both client and server
  • Optimized memory pool when used from multiple threads in parallel (resource contention)
  • Fixed tactical gloves, diving gear and wetsuits not appearing in industrial filter dialogs
  • Fixed case where Buffer/AND Industrial Conveyor transfers would never complete
  • Fixed Industrial Crafter not dropping loot or blueprints when destroyed
  • Fixed incorrect research cost when researching the Baseball Bat (should use the cost of the Mace as it's a skin)
  • Fixed not being able to repair the Drone in a Repair Bench
  • Fixed computer UI allowing player to open inventory
  • Fixed disconnect reason not displaying correctly with multithreaded networking enabled
  • Like
Реакции: far cry 5
Патч для обновления Rust версии:
  • 2370/10459860(2.02.2023)
до версии 2377/10669774(2.03.2023)

  • Reduced minimum gap between pipe points
  • Can hold Shift to place entities on top of other deployed entities
  • Reworked Maximum and Minimum filter behaviour and added a Buffer mode
  • Added 3 more blueprint slots to the Industrial Crafter
  • Improved pipe generation performance and fixed pipes being regenerated too often
  • Added a green pipe colour
  • Added an extra slot for storage adaptors on the front of small boxes
  • Electric Furnace and Storage Adaptor performance improvements
  • Buffer transfers will now be cancelled if a conveyor is turned off or runs out of the item mid-transfer
  • Added a UI visualisation to show what buffer transfers are in process
  • Conveyors will now turn back on when they receive power if they were on when they lost power
  • Reduced volume of Industrial sounds
  • Industrial Crafter will now only make noise when it is crafting
  • Industrial Crafter will now pulse red if it’s output storage is full
  • Various server garbage collection improvements
  • Looking at another entity while an IO connection is solo’d will now maintain the solo visualisation
  • Fixed being able to place storage adaptors in places where they would intersect with other colliders (eg. top of a small box placed under a workbench)
  • Fixed some cases where blueprints wouldn't respect number based item filters
  • Fixed sometimes being unable to build in areas where pipes used to be
  • Ziplines should now be much less likely to kill the player if they collide with the terrain
  • Ziplines should now use alternate paths more often if the terrain is too close to the desired zipline
  • Fixed some cases where the Repair resources required UI wouldn’t appear when attempting to repair an entity
  • Fixed contacts button staying disabled permanently after connecting to a server with contacts disabled
  • Fixed water catchers no longer filling up with water when connected to a full water container
  • Fixed edge case where underground train tunnel entrance would not connect to underground train station
  • Various fixes for multithreaded networking