- Bases repair themselves if upkeep resources are in TC
- Bases require upkeep resources to be kept in TC
- New on/off sounds for a bunch of deployables
- New active/burning loops for a bunch of deployables
- New searchlight movement sounds
- New open/close sounds for a few deployables
- New Junkyard monument
- New procedural roads art
- Brought back old caves (Hapis)
- Added "Pumping station" and "Abandoned Boat" loot areas (Hapis)
- Added Launch Site (Hapis)
- Added Ice sheets and Icebergs (Hapis)
- Added new static quarrys (Hapis)
- Foundations can now be placed at a half height offset
- Added half height walls
- Fixed various wall stacking exploits
- Roofs occupy wall sockets and can no longer be used as honeycombs
- Building privilege is emitted by the entire building
- There can only be one tool cupboard per building
- New monument placement algorithm
- Procedural roads now connect to monument roads
- Print last placement error in chat when pressing LMB while placement guide is red
- New power line placement algorithm
- Tool cupboard can store upkeep resources
- Fixes to older radtowns (Hapis)
- Fixes to loot and ore scarcity (Hapis)
- Monument chainlink fences can be shot through
- Roads are no longer split in half by rivers
- Fixed gaps between roads and terrain
- Fixed roads sometimes being partially flooded
- Fixed hammer highlight on wooden triangle foundations
- Fixed weird camera movement when jumping introduced last patch
- Small Furnace Art Updated
- Complete rework of site A (Hapis)
- Moved Site B to east coast (Hapis)
- Reduced size of arctic biome slightly
- Increased size of arid biome slightly
- Health bars are only visible when damaged or holding a hammer
- Grenades inherit player movement velocity
- F1 grenade has larger blast radius
- Dropbox is now Tier 1 WB
- Stone Spear no longer requires WB
- Experimentation at WB1 costs 75 scrap instead of 100
- Armored building tier costs 25 hqm and no wood/stone
- Armored doors have had their costs reduced accordingly
- Add ignite and extinguish sounds to campfire and furnace
- Add turn on and turn off sounds to the ceiling light
- Added worldmodel outlines
- Lots of misc sound tweaks and polish
- EAC SDK update
- Stricter dropbox placement
- Python is now skinnable
- Reduced aim sway on semi auto weapons
- Finalized recoil design for semi auto weapons
- Grenades pinpull and throw happens much faster
- Stance recoil only active when moving or after first shot
- Grenades always throw at max velocity (farther)
- Fix dark sign painting UI
- Fixed reflections on hair shader
- Fixed tree minigame X appearing too low
- Fixed thompson having too much aimcone
- Fixed delay/jitter of mounted objects
- Fixed weird satchel behavior
- Add ability to define custom falloff/spread/spatial blend curves on a sound by sound basis
- New tree sounds
- Added locational armor information when hovering over player preview
- Added Bulletproof Glass
- Added Explosive information panel
- Added Armor Information panel
- Added Seed information panel
- Added Weapon Mod information panel
- Ensured that the save coroutine does not crash when entity serializations throws an error
- Window bars inserts are thinner (improved visibility)
- Removed occluder meshes from building blocks (performance, memory usage)
- Removed some unused components (memory usage)
- Netting has larger ladder volume to allow climbing over frames
- Dud explosives fall off moving objects
- Fallen dud explosives never explode on pickup
- Tree Minigame X's start relative to initial hit
- Tree Minigame X's rotate less each hit
- Can wear bandana with Bucket/Wood/Riot Helmet
- Tree Minigame X's only rotate in one direction
- Fixed spinner been placed in building block areas
- Fixed ghosting/trail in inventory player preview caused by temporal anti-aliasing
- Fix volume jump when a sound that's already fading out is told to fade out again
- Fixed Explosives thrown on other explosives not attaching
- Fixed dud explosives acting as garry's mod thrusters
- Fixed quickcraft lag when looting lots of items
- Fixed lag from map doing processing even when closed
- Bone Armor now protects legs as well as chest
- Bandana and wolf headdress protection reduced
- Fixed arrow protection being different than bullet protection
- Failsafe for occasional stuck bush rustle sounds
- Fixed song shuffling
- Fixed repeated phys impact sounds when an item is stuck inside something
- Fixed occasional attempts to unload music clips that aren't loaded yet
- Fixed projected decals not showing sometimes
- Fixed player motion blur popping when swapping LODs
- Fixed beard sometimes not showing
- Fixed hair motion vectors; used in motion blur and TSSAA
- Fixed hair-related memory leak
- Fixed TSSAA on inventory player preview
- Fixed TSSAA related black sludge
- Fixed TSSAA related water shoreline flickering
- EAC SDK update
- Cave reverb tweaks
- Beenie hat deforms hair when worn
- Workbench can no longer be locked
- Improved TSSAA performance and reduced GPU ram usage
- Trees can be knocked down by explosions
- Trees yield half res during harvesting and half as finishing bonus
- Added Tree Minigame
- Added Falling Trees
- Fixed flame turret been lockable
- Stance recoil no longer affects xbow/bow
- New nail gun sounds
- EAC SDK update
- New garage door sounds
- Nailgun nails embed themselves in objects + retrievable
- Nailgun nails no longer damage structures
- Nailgun nails have larger radius (easier to hit targets)
- HV Arrow is now a default blueprint
- Oil Refinery is cheaper to research
- Searchlight is cheaper to research
- Large Medkit is cheaper to research
- Miner Hat is cheaper to research
- Chainlink fence/gate is cheaper to research
- Prison Wall/door is cheaper to research
- Double Sheet Doors are cheaper to research
- Floor Grill is cheaper to research
- Added hair
- Added Bradly APC to Materials Extraction monument (Hapis)
- Added Savas map markers
- Added new icebergs and ice sheets to the arctic biome
- Added medium levels of radiation to Materials Extraction monument (Hapis)
- Added north and south recycler on Savas
- Basic crate added to supermarket/gasstation/warehouse
- New procedural map biome layout
- Military Tunnels spawn 2 elite crates
- Stance recoil added - less accurate when standing/moving vs crouching
- Added Nailgun + Nailgun ammo default BP
- Fixed various Hapis exploits
- Improved skinning on player model elbows/wrists
- Fixed player preview blinking backwards
- Fixed shading on multi-layer materials; e.g. icebergs
- Garage door sound scales with audio volume
- Improved player bone scaling and skin colour variety
- Updated Hapis map markers
- EAC SDK update
- Network encryption optimizations
- Removed sand from the arctic coastline
- Crates always spawn one component with 40% chance of WB item
- Candle hat default BP
- Metal Window Bars cheaper to research
- Airdrop always drops 2 weapons + ammo, and 2 armor pieces
- Disabled Halloween Content
- Barbeque can no longer be placed in monuments
- Barbeque no longer clip through walls
- Fixed client bone follower performance regression
- Fixed some visual issues with the halterneck
- Fixed permanent Debris Field markers
- Fixed BoneFollower 1 frame delay
- Fixed AutoTurret server lag
- Garage door frame block
- Added Scarecrow deployable
- Added network encryption (enabled by default)
- Added encryption server convar (0-2 for various protection levels)
- Added Halloween Collectables
- Added Skull Fire Pit
- Replaced the ladder leading to LS roof with walkways
- Optimized network stream read / write
- Optimized network RPC parameter handling
- Optimized network queue iteration
- Optimized server logging
- Optimized server garbage collections
- Double shotgun deploys quicker
- Wall Netting cheaper + default BP
- Item drop chances equalized for each tier
- Player's foot now uses IK to align to surfaces properly.
- Optimization. Reduced resolution of dozens of environment textures
- Updated player models
- Updated player preview
- Item description updates and fixes
- Bear rug, Rug and Table can no longer be picked up when building blocked
- Bear rug, Rug and Table requires hammer to be picked up
- vm hatchet update
- Disabled server backups by default (add +backup startup parameter to enable)
- Python requires tier 2 workbench
- LR300 fire rate increased 10%
- Reduced water reflection gaps
- Reduced shadow from weapons carried on the back onto viewmodel
- Ladder hatch requires tier 2 workbench ( green crate spawn)
- Updated EAC SDK
- Hapis Island exploit fixes
- Two sided hanging sign & landscape picture frame unlocked if player has Steam item
- vm bow aiming issues
- vm weapon attachments now positioned correctly
- Fixed some skins not unlocking parent items (boonie/bandana/cap)
- Fixed water reflection related shader errors on OSX and Linux
- Fixed shadow cascades sometimes ignored when switching quality
- Added BBQ deployable
- Added network encryption (currently disabled)
- Added hair items (admin only)
- Upgraded to Unity 2017.1.2
- Added debug.log convar to toggle log output
- Miner / Candle Hat provides protection
- Caves have a good chance of spawning stone tools
- Added toggled map grid coordinates (off by default)
- Added Debris Field marker on map when heli/bradley is destroyed
- Boonie/Bandana/Cap provides minimal protection instead of none
- Miner hat has emissive blinding flare
- Added radial map marker (mod support)
- Pickaxe vm - Fixed hands intersecting when aim running
- Fixed launchsite exploit allowing to hide in the wall
- Big cleaver vm - Fixed hands intersecting when aim running
- Satchel charge wm- Fixed wrong texture appearing when thrown
- Satchel charge vm - Fixed arms clipping when thrown
- Beancan grenade vm - Fixed arm clipping when thrown
- Bone club vm - Fixed popping from throw cancel to idle
- m249 vm - fixed arms clipping at max FOV
- Fixed packet exploit to bring down servers
- Fixed stone ore scarcity
- Sawnoff shotgun vm - Fixed arm clipping at max FOV
- Fixed indoor shadow issues introduced by viewmodel shadow changes
- Fixed missing viewmodel shadow feet
- Fixed node hotspots invisible during med-high fog
- Fixed some water reflection artifacts
- Fixed not being able to pick up items outside of any TC
- Fixed Vending Machines not displaying if item for trade is a blueprint or not
- Fixed Steam Inventory Items not unlocking their blueprint
- Miner hat no longer emissive to other players when switched off
- Fixed workbench status everywhere exploit
- Fixed candle hat having a 30m light radius (!)
- Fixed peacekeeper turrets not firing
- vm hierarchy and folder structure
- new vm arm mesh
- All viewmodels set to use base mesh vessel, all anims contain anim data only
- Bow vm - anim tweaks
- Salvaged axe, hammer & icepick vm - Removed attack2 lerping blends
- Water jug vm - removed static left hand in view when thrown at max FOV
- Sawnoff shotgun vm - Removed wobble at end of deploy anim
- Ak47 vm - Updated base pose, transition additions
- Increased speed of outro anim blend on ironsights
- Supply signal vm folder restructure
- Only allow drinking when water has certain depth
- Improved water intersection test performance
- Added process memory usage to system info
- Tweaked high external wall and gate deploy volumes
- Reduced scrap tier of many decorative items
- Can now pick up research / repair benches
- Broken items now have a minimum recycle yield of 10%
- Items now remove attachments/ammo when recycled
- Sewing kit is made of less rope (less recycle yield)
- Lantern and Tuna Can Lamp provide more light
- Lantern costs 25 Metal Fragments (was 40)
- Less fuel / hqm in caves
- Small/Medium wooden signs default blueprints
- Stone Spear default blueprint
- Workbench radius tripled
- Workbenches can be rotated with hammer
- Radsuit leaks small amounts of radiation at NPP/LSR
- Lowered HQM yield from heli/bradley gibs
- Satchel has slightly less chance to be a dud
- Flamethrower Requires Workbench Tier 2
- Hoodie/Pants require 75 scrap to research ( Was 250 )
- Snow Jacket/vagabond more common and much cheaper to make
- Elite crate spawns half as much stuff
- Elite crates spawn every 2 hours instead of 20 min at LSR
- Bradley drops elite crate loot
- Hapis site B now has a chance to spawn elite creates
- Cluttery deployables drop as blueprints instead of full items
- Bradley begins healing much slower
- Bolt rifle vm - removed unused anims
- Добавлены верстаки.
- Добавлены чертежи.
- Добавлены озера в арктический биом.
- Добавлен новый алгоритм генерации дороги.
- Улучшен файл сохранения для карты.
- Более эффективная компрессия файла карты.
- Улучшено кодирование карты воды.
- Высокие внешние стены и ворота требуют некоторого пространства между параллельными стенами.
- Торговый автомат + снижение стоимости магазина.
- Заблокировано все элементы, кроме чертежей по умолчанию.
- Футболка стоит дешевле и не требуют набора для шитья.
- Можно ремонтировать только предметы с чертежом.
- Исправлены проблемы с питьевой водой из рек и озер.
- Невидимое тело больше не бросает тени на viewmodel.
- Фиксированная окружающая окклюзия вокруг растительности.
- Фиксированная проекция тени игрока на потолки.
- Исправлено отображение интенсивности отраженного отражения.
- Исправлено размытие движения, игнорируемое вокруг на границе сетки.