Список изменений:
- Added tiled cube prefabs for community map makers
- Added chat filtering
- Improved M39 DPS and recoil
- Lowered F1 grenade fuse time to 2.5s (was 3.0s)
- Shotgun slugs have reduced damage falloff
- Achievement todo list is now disabled if game tips are turned off in the game options
- Added a crosshair while free spraying with a Spray Can
- Increased the default number of sprays per player (25 -> 40)
- Can now Mute and Report players from the Contacts screen
- Z/C/Y keys no longer control zoom when in free camera (replaced with debugcamera_zoomin and debugcamera_zoomout binds)
- Added debugcamera_raise and debugcamera_lower binds instead of hardcoding to Q/E
- Added physical camera convars for the debug camera
- Added camera info overlay command for the debug camera
- Kayak now faces away from the player deploying by default
- Mailbox, BBQ, Medium Battery and Windmill now face toward the player by default
- (CUI) Add support for vertical overflow on Text components
- Updated player inventory idle animation
- Added interaction sounds for small loot containers (food, medical, tech, ammunition, etc)
- Updated generic loot crates with existing interaction sounds
- Hapis Island: Added 3 new monuments
- Jackhammer will hit hotspot every time without tap firing
- Torch despawns after 30 seconds
- Dropped backpacks will despawn after 30 seconds for rocks + torches
- Streamer mode will hide map name in server browser
- Can insert photos into mailbox
- `benchmark_demo {demo}` command to run the benchmark on different demos
- Can connect 'domain.com' without a port on the end
- Servers will no longer show the name of the custom map, only "Custom Map" if they are running one
- Optimized bulk loading assets from bundles
- Improved hide blood option
- Added hurt flash disable option
- m249 is slightly more aggressive
- HMLMG recoil is more aggressive
- Lowered HMLMG durability
- Increased HMLMG crafting cost
- Using scopes on weapons now increases their recoil
- Reduced blur/blood effects
- Accuracy bonus removed from the silencer
- Fixed first shot while ADSing sometimes playing the non-ADS fire animation
- Fixed missing deploy sound for combat knife
- Fixed missing sounds for smoke grenades and supply signals
- Fixed missing crosshairs and camera movement while first person spectating
- Fixed smoke grenade effects not working correctly with first person spectating
- Fixed horses not properly moving with elevators
- Fixed error with a particular configuration of items when making Low Grade at a Mixing Table
- Fixed missing localization on progress bar when Hold to dismount is enabled
- Fixed some deployable entities changing rotation every time they are selected on the belt
- (CUI) Fixed some skin id's not loading correctly (PR#37)
- Fixed some missing sfx on the Spray Can
- Fixed an exploit when changing water quality
- Fixed flashlights & laser needing to be turned on every time you equip them
- Fixed exploit to steal attachments out of shop fronts
- Fixed nodes & animals taking extra hits
- Hapis Island: Fixed berries not spawning
- Hapis Island: Fixed roadside spawns being overly scarce
- Hapis Island: Fixed numerous other reported issues.
- Fixed flashlights & laser needing to be turned on every time you equip them
- Fixed exploit to steal attachments out of shop fronts
- Fixed nodes & animals taking extra hits
- Fixed animal headshots not playing hitmarker
- Fixed exploit to let you keep last item in softcore
- Fixed ability to shoot through armored window collider
- Fixed exploit to keep shopfront standing when breaking wall frame
- Fixed debris not created for walls on triangle foundations
- Fixed research tables getting stuck researching