Список изменений:
- Above-ground rail network now connects to Trainyard
- New resource wagons can be unloaded at Trainyard
- New Locomotive train engine
- New ambient lighting model
- New monument lights
- Added light switches to monuments
- Added Flash bang grenade
- Added Molotov cocktail
- Updated layout of contacts page
- Added server.clearugcentity convar to clear a piece of content (takes an entity id)
- Added global.clearugcentitiesinrange to clear all content within a range of a position
- Improved LOD system on modding prefabs from last month
- Added Toggle ADS option
- Improved performance when hitting resources
- Improved performance when entering network range of NPC's
- Improved performance when near underground tunnel entrances
- Slightly improved rendering performance in monuments
- Improved performance of UGC admin browser when lots of content is on a server
- Added 6 new radio stations
- Boom boxes connected to speakers should now more reliably play in sync
- Increased maximum length of server radio stations list to 1024 characters (was 256)
- Increased size of radio station picker
- Show the genetics of plant clones being sold in vending machines (in-person and via drone)
- Updated Wooden Signs models and textures to be higher res and have a more even paintable surface area
- Improved Cliff Collision - A number of cliff colliders have been improved, making them easier to climb
- Scrap Tea now yields more scrap and lasts longer
- Underwater labs size decreased by up to 75%
- Fixed tech tree path counter not working properly on T1 tech trees
- Fixed demos failing to play if the local player died during recording
- Fixed several mountables not properly showing the characters head moving while mounted
- Fixed radio playback becoming distorted if a player leaves audible range of the Boom Box but is still in range of Connected Speakers
- Fixed a long standing bug causing invalid projectiles when mounted to vehicles
- Above-ground Work Cart train engine wagon-pulling power has been reduced