• New first person deploy sounds for a handful of items
  • Most items have third person deploy sounds now
  • Added Bone Arrows
  • Added Fire Arrows
  • Fixed washed out sky at clear weather conditions
  • Fixed missing sound refs on a few SoundPlayers
  • Fixed stars being barely visible at night
  • Fixed only 100 key combinations (nerfed key raiding)
  • Fixed Christmas light exploits
  • Fixed road grass decor not aligning to ground
  • Fixed odd junk pile placement
  • Fixed Hapis Sky Dome
  • Bone knife auto admiring on deploy
  • Beancan grenade auto admiring on deploy
  • Fixed Harbor mine entrance (Hapis)
  • Optimized elevator volumes (server perf)
  • Fog and wind are now randomized every 18 hours
  • Slightly darker sky at midnight
  • EAC SDK update
  • Optimized tool cupboard queries (client perf)
  • Fog density no longer changes per biome
  • Improved fog algorithm
  • Pickaxe admire animation updated
  • Bandage admire animation updated
  • Bota bag admire animation updated
  • Water bottle admire animation updated
  • Big cleaver admire animation updated
  • Crossbow admire animation updated
  • Hammer admire animation updated
  • Mace admire animation updated
  • Salvaged axe admire animation updated
  • Salvaged Icepick admire animation updated
  • Torch admire animation updated
  • Longsword admire animation updated
  • Owner can always open key lock
  • Added final art for tool crate (purple box)
  • Nearby players melee weapon swings are now audible
  • Shelves correctly destroyed if construction below no longer exists
  • Tool cupboard correctly destroyed if construction below no longer exists
  • Tool cupboard can no longer be fully submerged inside world layer (rocks)
  • Refinery ladder fix (Hapis)
  • Site A cave no longer building blocked (Hapis)
  • Added Throwable Flares
  • Added handheld flashlight
  • Added a bunch more deployable interaction sounds
  • Added Upkeep notifications and gametips
  • Door Garland is available to craft w/ Window garland sitem
  • Can Admire/Examine skins with N key
  • Added fog start distance in dark environments (gamma / navigation exploit)
  • Fixed spinner wheel sound playback bug
  • Fixed beams being invisible
  • Fixed various errors on client and server
  • Fixed fog not always being disabled in caves (gamma / navigation exploit)
  • Fixed high external stone gate only decaying very slowly
  • Fixed roof conditional models in various scenarios
  • Wounded players no longer block player movement
  • Upkeep payment intervals are now saved and restored on server restart
  • Crossbow can take underbarrel modifications
  • Lowered some upkeep costs
  • Enabled Xmas Content
  • Lots of new deployable placement sounds
  • Lots of new deployable interaction sounds
  • Doors require upkeep
  • Wall frame inserts require upkeep
  • Floor frame inserts require upkeep
  • Deployables inside the building privilege radius are decay protected
  • Added decay.delay convars (all default to 0)
  • Open/close sounds only play for the local player
  • Tweaks to a few existing deployable sounds
  • Animal behaviour overhaul
  • Optimized upkeep backend
  • All barricades can be repaired
  • Added extra slots to TC
  • Normalized building protection between tiers
  • Increased protection for Metal Tier (2x stone)
  • Increased protection for Armored tier (2x metal)
  • Animals can no longer walk through closed doors at monuments
  • Fixed broken items being traded in vending machine
  • Bases repair themselves if upkeep resources are in TC
  • Bases require upkeep resources to be kept in TC
  • New on/off sounds for a bunch of deployables
  • New active/burning loops for a bunch of deployables
  • New searchlight movement sounds
  • New open/close sounds for a few deployables
  • New Junkyard monument
  • New procedural roads art
  • Brought back old caves (Hapis)
  • Added "Pumping station" and "Abandoned Boat" loot areas (Hapis)
  • Added Launch Site (Hapis)
  • Added Ice sheets and Icebergs (Hapis)
  • Added new static quarrys (Hapis)
  • Foundations can now be placed at a half height offset
  • Added half height walls
  • Fixed various wall stacking exploits
  • Roofs occupy wall sockets and can no longer be used as honeycombs
  • Building privilege is emitted by the entire building
  • There can only be one tool cupboard per building
  • New monument placement algorithm
  • Procedural roads now connect to monument roads
  • Print last placement error in chat when pressing LMB while placement guide is red
  • New power line placement algorithm
  • Tool cupboard can store upkeep resources
  • Fixes to older radtowns (Hapis)
  • Fixes to loot and ore scarcity (Hapis)
  • Monument chainlink fences can be shot through
  • Roads are no longer split in half by rivers
  • Fixed gaps between roads and terrain
  • Fixed roads sometimes being partially flooded
  • Fixed hammer highlight on wooden triangle foundations
  • Fixed weird camera movement when jumping introduced last patch
  • Small Furnace Art Updated
  • Complete rework of site A (Hapis)
  • Moved Site B to east coast (Hapis)
  • Reduced size of arctic biome slightly
  • Increased size of arid biome slightly
  • Health bars are only visible when damaged or holding a hammer
  • Grenades inherit player movement velocity
  • F1 grenade has larger blast radius
  • Dropbox is now Tier 1 WB
  • Stone Spear no longer requires WB
  • Experimentation at WB1 costs 75 scrap instead of 100
  • Armored building tier costs 25 hqm and no wood/stone
  • Armored doors have had their costs reduced accordingly
  • Add ignite and extinguish sounds to campfire and furnace
  • Add turn on and turn off sounds to the ceiling light
  • Added worldmodel outlines
  • Lots of misc sound tweaks and polish
  • EAC SDK update
  • Stricter dropbox placement
  • Python is now skinnable
  • Reduced aim sway on semi auto weapons
  • Finalized recoil design for semi auto weapons
  • Grenades pinpull and throw happens much faster
  • Stance recoil only active when moving or after first shot
  • Grenades always throw at max velocity (farther)
  • Fix dark sign painting UI
  • Fixed reflections on hair shader
  • Fixed tree minigame X appearing too low
  • Fixed thompson having too much aimcone
  • Fixed delay/jitter of mounted objects
  • Fixed weird satchel behavior
  • Add ability to define custom falloff/spread/spatial blend curves on a sound by sound basis
  • New tree sounds
  • Added locational armor information when hovering over player preview
  • Added Bulletproof Glass
  • Added Explosive information panel
  • Added Armor Information panel
  • Added Seed information panel
  • Added Weapon Mod information panel
  • Ensured that the save coroutine does not crash when entity serializations throws an error
  • Window bars inserts are thinner (improved visibility)
  • Removed occluder meshes from building blocks (performance, memory usage)
  • Removed some unused components (memory usage)
  • Netting has larger ladder volume to allow climbing over frames
  • Dud explosives fall off moving objects
  • Fallen dud explosives never explode on pickup
  • Tree Minigame X's start relative to initial hit
  • Tree Minigame X's rotate less each hit
  • Can wear bandana with Bucket/Wood/Riot Helmet
  • Tree Minigame X's only rotate in one direction
  • Fixed spinner been placed in building block areas
  • Fixed ghosting/trail in inventory player preview caused by temporal anti-aliasing
  • Fix volume jump when a sound that's already fading out is told to fade out again
  • Fixed Explosives thrown on other explosives not attaching
  • Fixed dud explosives acting as garry's mod thrusters
  • Fixed quickcraft lag when looting lots of items
  • Fixed lag from map doing processing even when closed
  • Bone Armor now protects legs as well as chest
  • Bandana and wolf headdress protection reduced
  • Fixed arrow protection being different than bullet protection
  • Failsafe for occasional stuck bush rustle sounds
  • Fixed song shuffling
  • Fixed repeated phys impact sounds when an item is stuck inside something
  • Fixed occasional attempts to unload music clips that aren't loaded yet
  • Fixed projected decals not showing sometimes
  • Fixed player motion blur popping when swapping LODs
  • Fixed beard sometimes not showing
  • Fixed hair motion vectors; used in motion blur and TSSAA
  • Fixed hair-related memory leak
  • Fixed TSSAA on inventory player preview
  • Fixed TSSAA related black sludge
  • Fixed TSSAA related water shoreline flickering
  • EAC SDK update
  • Cave reverb tweaks
  • Beenie hat deforms hair when worn
  • Workbench can no longer be locked
  • Improved TSSAA performance and reduced GPU ram usage
  • Trees can be knocked down by explosions
  • Trees yield half res during harvesting and half as finishing bonus
  • Added Tree Minigame
  • Added Falling Trees
  • Fixed flame turret been lockable
  • Stance recoil no longer affects xbow/bow
  • New nail gun sounds
  • EAC SDK update
  • New garage door sounds
  • Nailgun nails embed themselves in objects + retrievable
  • Nailgun nails no longer damage structures
  • Nailgun nails have larger radius (easier to hit targets)
  • HV Arrow is now a default blueprint
  • Oil Refinery is cheaper to research
  • Searchlight is cheaper to research
  • Large Medkit is cheaper to research
  • Miner Hat is cheaper to research
  • Chainlink fence/gate is cheaper to research
  • Prison Wall/door is cheaper to research
  • Double Sheet Doors are cheaper to research
  • Floor Grill is cheaper to research
  • Added hair
  • Added Bradly APC to Materials Extraction monument (Hapis)
  • Added Savas map markers
  • Added new icebergs and ice sheets to the arctic biome
  • Added medium levels of radiation to Materials Extraction monument (Hapis)
  • Added north and south recycler on Savas
  • Basic crate added to supermarket/gasstation/warehouse
  • New procedural map biome layout
  • Military Tunnels spawn 2 elite crates
  • Stance recoil added - less accurate when standing/moving vs crouching
  • Added Nailgun + Nailgun ammo default BP
  • Fixed various Hapis exploits
  • Improved skinning on player model elbows/wrists
  • Fixed player preview blinking backwards
  • Fixed shading on multi-layer materials; e.g. icebergs
  • Garage door sound scales with audio volume
  • Improved player bone scaling and skin colour variety
  • Updated Hapis map markers
  • EAC SDK update
  • Network encryption optimizations
  • Removed sand from the arctic coastline
  • Crates always spawn one component with 40% chance of WB item
  • Candle hat default BP
  • Metal Window Bars cheaper to research
  • Airdrop always drops 2 weapons + ammo, and 2 armor pieces
  • Disabled Halloween Content :(