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Finally making it through the woods of engine upgrades and starting to see some new features creeping into the game. I’ve put the final touches on the new camera system which was one of the last truly ugly systems in the engine.

Now the view can be clamped inside the vehicles and is calculated serverside also, we can do firing from vehicle seats! In reality the driver won’t be able to shoot, but this was easier to record. We still need to implement animations pivoting from the hip while pinned to a seat, but that’s the easy part.

Next we have a new headlook feature, similar to the arma engine allowing you to look around on a limited swivel while running / aiming in specific direction. Useful when crossing a valley in sprint and checking your surroundings. (FPS animator needs some touchups so it doesn’t look weird in side angles, not a big issue though.

Lastly we have the completely unrestricted Roach back seat that allows crouching / standing and...


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This week I have been finishing off ( hopefully ) tweaks to the main player and getting rid of any errors that have popped up. One of the main ones was obvious seams where the character had been split apart. Previously I had hand edited the normals anywhere the player mesh was split which would often get rid of anything visible, but was very time consuming and left us with a mesh that was fragile, with them sometimes resetting when moving between max and maya.

Now that the character has a normal map I had originally thought that that alone would take care of it, however this was not the case and still left seams of varying visibility depending on workflow/how it was baked.

In the end what ended up working was to make sure each separate piece was individually uv’d, then I would recombine all the pieces into a single mesh but not weld the verts along each join. I would then bake out the normal map using this as a target mesh with a generous amount of...

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На этой неделе мы наблюдали поистине впечатляющие показатели прироста производительности, мы надеемся, что теперь вы их тоже увидите. В любом случае, дайте нам знать о ваших впечатлениях. Также, в этом блоге вы сможете оценить так называемые "военные тоннели", обновлённую модель маяка, несколько интересных скриншотов с улучшенной графикой (в том числе тот, что находится выше) и многое другое.

Производительность процессора (CPU) - скрытые игроки
Ну, тут было приложено немало усилий. Всё время я продолжал спрашивать себя: "Почему мой FPS высок, когда я подключаюсь к пустым серверам и низок, когда я подключаюсь к густонаселённым?" Изначально мои предположения строились вокруг догадки "много людей = много построек = много объектов для рендера = низкий FPS". В общем, оказалось что я был неправ. Вот доказательства:


Чёрные пятна - игроки, причём как спящие, так и активные. Просто существуя...

Dev-блог 121

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Мы вас слышим. Этот патч включает в себя ряд изменений и доработок согласно мнению сообщества игроков, в частности мы немного бафнули арбалет, а также провели некоторую ребалансировку оружия и брони. В целом, сделано много работы. В этом блоге вас ждёт некоторая информация об изменениях в системе опыта, возвращении исследования предметов и т.д. Помимо этого мы добавили возможность "крутить" объекты до размещения и немного изменили механику реанимации игроков.

Текущее состояние системы опыта + исследование
Перед тем, как система опыта вышла на основу, она была одобрена абсолютно всеми и я был просто на 7 небе от счастья. Однако, после того, как она вышла, все начали твердить, что она пропитана гриндом. Изначально я полагал, что так говорило активное меньшинство.
Я играл в игру не 1 час и в целом, я получал огромное удовольствие, которое отражалось в фидбеке, что мы получали до сих пор. Но чем больше времени проходило, тем...


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The dirt bike is coming along nicely. The low poly for the 3 wheel designs and one of the body kits are done. I decided to model all the wheels and the body kits at the same time to make sure I don’t go over our poly limit. One of the wheel sets (the one on the right) that most resembles a standard dirt bike tyre, stretched our poly budget a bit more than previously thought. I had to use mesh to get that nobbled tread silhouette which increases the poly’s significantly for that design. Once the 2 other low poly body kits are done I can check the combined polycounts of that tyre set with the other body kits to make sure we aren’t blowing out our poly budget.

I also made some updates to the raid drill which you have now probably been playing with. We split the machine into 3 parts to make it’s creation and use more interesting. I had to update some of the mesh, textures and icons for it...


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This week I’ve been helping out with itemV2, hooking up the skinned mesh baking work I’ve been doing. We’ve also been making a lot of changes to player rendering to support customization. The plan is to have players be able to pick a skin colour and a hair colour as well as hair and beard styles. We want to implement this as part of your characters default setup rather than through gear like how we currently handle it. When creating gear in the sdk you’ll add a skinned mesh attachment item component to the item which will allow you to select a mesh or group of meshes to be baked into the character model when the item is equipped. The component also allows you to mask out sections of the default player to remove them from the bake, this is handy if we want to do something like turn off the hair model when wearing a hat...